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08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 学位英语 人气:675

学位英语作文范文之网络教育的特点为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为学位英语,本站还有更多关于学位英语考试网:学位英语成绩查询与学位英语报名时间,学位英语真题及复习资料,外语培训 外语学习 - 学位英语的文章。 正文:

    A new era, namely, the knowledge society is upon us. So lifelong learning is expected to become the standard for many people. And it is this characteristic that makes the mission of education on Internet an essential part of all educational patterns.
    Theoretically, all the people should and can be educated, but how to deal with the contradictions between high pressure on work & living and the need for lifelong education remains unsolved until the newly -established educational form has come into being. That is to say, education on Internet. It has five distinguished features of "ANY": --ANYbody can choose ANY course and ANY chapters of the course for learning at ANY time ANYwhere.Thus it offers you the very freedom to be engaged in your work and enjoy learning.【外语!教www.pxzj8.com
    Judging from all factors taken into account, we may safely reach the conclusion that education on Internet is there to form the lifelong educational system and provide more people with opportunities for higher education.



相关热词: 学位英语作文 复习指导 英语作文范文 如果觉得《学位英语作文范文之网络教育的特点》不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

Tag:学位英语,学位英语考试网:学位英语成绩查询与学位英语报名时间,学位英语真题及复习资料,外语培训 外语学习 - 学位英语

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