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四六级语法词汇3为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为四级词汇语法,本站还有更多关于大学英语四级词汇下载,英语四级高频词汇大全,英语四级语法讲解,外语培训 外语学习 - 英语四级考试 - 四级词汇语法的文章。 正文: 关于dare的意义和用法  作为情态动词表示“胆敢”,dare通常只用于否定陈述句和疑问句。例如:  I dare not go there.  How dare he say such rude things about me?  dare作为情态助动词没有过去式形式,其否定式为daren‘t,既可指现在时间,也可指过去时间。例如:  Tom wanted to come, but he daren‘t.  dare还可用主动词,随后的不定式可带to,也可不带to.例如:  He does not dare (to) answer.  Does she dare (to) go there alone?  近义词辨析  besides, but, except, except for  这组词均含有“除…外”的意思。  besides “除…外,还有…”,指更进一步的拥有,包括所“除”事物在内。  Have you got any clothes besides these?除了这些衣服你还有别的吗?  but不包括所引事物在内,多与nothing, not anything, nobody, nowhere, all, anybody等连用。  He has nobody but himself to blame for that.那件事他没法指责别人,只能怪他自己。  except不包括所引事物。常与no, none, nothing等否定词或all,everyone, everything等连用,但不可用于句首。  They all went to the Summer Palace except one.除一人之外他们都去了颐和园。  except for常指除去所引情况让人稍感遗憾之外,整体情况尚属理想,被除去的事物与正在谈及的事物之间不具有共同属性或性质。  The roads were clear except for a few cars.除几辆小汽车外,路面很空旷。  全真模拟试题  1. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ______ in broad daylight yesterday.  A. to be robbed B. robbed   C. to have been robbed D. having been robbed  2. ______ before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.  A. Though having never acted   B. As he had never acted   C. Despite he had never acted   D. In spite of his never having acted  3. By the middle of the 21st century, the vast majority of the world‘s  population ______ in cities rather than in the country.  A. are living B. will be living   C. have lived D. will have lived  4. Mr. Milton prefers to resign ______ part in such dish   onest business deals.  A. than take B. than to take   C. rather than take D. rather than to take  5. No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything ______ going on in the world.  A. it is B. as is C. there is D. what is  6. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _____ a sudden loud noise.  A. being there B. should there be   C. there was D. there have been  7. Bit by bit , a child makes the necessary changes to make his language ______。  A. as other people B. as other people‘s   C. like other people D. like other people‘s  8. Clothing made of plastic fibres has certain advantages over ______  made of natural fibres like cotton, wool, or silk.  A. one B. the one C. that D. what  9. The treasury issued an order stating that ______ lan   d purchased from the government had to be paid for in gold and silver.  A. henceforth B. moreover C. whereby D. however  10. The students expected there ______ more reviewing classes before the final exams.  A. is B. being C. have been D. to be  11. It was during summer breaks that we first taste the satisfaction work that ______ into hard currency.  A. translates B. transfers   C. transplants D. transmits  12. In some cases, your instructor may tell you the topics ______  or may give you a choice of topics to write about.  A. in advance B. ahead of C. above all D. right away     13. It was the driver‘s ______ that caused him to step   on the gas instead of the brake after his car went over the curb.  A. fraud B. alarm C. terror D. panic  14. Danny left this ______ message on my answering machine:  “I must see you. Meet me at twelve o‘clock.” Did he mean noon or midnight?  A. ambiguous B. responsible  C. implicit D. thoughtful  15. We looked for a table to sit down, but they were all ______。  A. reserved for B. engaged in   C. used up D. taken up  16. She will have to find somewhere else to work, for she can‘t ______ this loud noise any longer.  A. come up with B. catch up with   C. keep up with D. put up with  17. Tom ______ his new job with confidence.  A. set out B. set off C. set up D. set about  18. The truck driver was fined for exceeding the speed ______。  A. range B. limit C. rule D. regulation  19. The crippled Jack proudly walked with a ______ to the platform to join the children.  A. jump B. limp C. hop D. jog  20. He cannot ______ a car, for he does not earn much money.  A. obtain B. afford C. donate D. consume  21. The message is clear: Just as tea and banana cant‘t go together, _________ should the son of a lowclass family expect to marry the daughter of a nobleman.  A. either B. not C. neither D. nor  22. Though ______ rich, she was better off than at any   other period in her life.  A. by means of B. within her means   C. by all means D. by no means  23. It is a(n) ______ attitude to take towards life.  A. absurd B. silly C. stupid D. authentic  24. Every year, one student in our high school wins a scholarship that ______ one year of college.  A. improves B. subsidizes C. obliges D. inflicts  25. He wrote the book in ______ with his wife.  A. proportion B. installment   C. correspondence D. collaboration  试题答案与解析  1. C) 「句意」据当地报纸报道,那家银行昨天在光天化日下遭到抢劫。  「难点」动词不定式的完成式做主语的补足语,说明不定式的行为发生在谓语动作之前。  2. D) 「句意」虽然他以前从未表演过,但他  为业余剧团做的首次表演还是很成功。  「难点」in spite of意为“尽管,虽然”,后接名词或名词性短语,引导出来状语。选项A   )没有主语或逻辑主语,选项B)是原因状语从句,选项C)的despite不能引导状语从句,因为  它是介词。  3. B) 「句意」到二十一世纪中叶,世界上大  多数人口将生活在城市而不是农村。  「难点」因为时间状语by the middle of the 21st century指的是将来  ,所以选将来进行时。  4. C) 「句意」米尔先生宁愿辞职也不参加这  种不诚实的商业交易。  「难点」prefer意为“宁愿”,其后接名词或动词不定式;prefer to do   sth. r   ather than do sth.意为“宁愿…而不愿…”,rather than后接不带to的不定式。  5. C) 「句意」大家都没有时间去读或去听有  关世界上正在发生的一切事件的描述。  「难点」在以there be为谓语动词的定语从句中,如关系代词作主语,则  关系代词便可省略。  6. B) 「句意」如果突然出现巨大的噪音,这  些动物真的有可能受到惊吓。  「难点」该句是一个省略if的倒装的虚拟条件句,可还原为“if there should be……”。  7. D) 「句意」一点一点地,儿童就会将自己  的语言作些必要的修改,而使之与他人的语言相像。  「难点」as和like都可以表示“像…一样”,但as是连词,后跟从句,like是介词,后跟名词或名词性短语。  8. C) 「句意」用塑料纤维制成的衣服比用棉  花、羊毛或丝绸等天然纤维制成的衣服有些优势。  「难点」clothing是衣服、被褥的总称,不能用one或the one来指代。wh   at相当于“先行词+that”,后边要接从句。所以只能用that指代clothing.  9. A) 「句意」财政部发布命令,从即日起,  向政府购买土地须以金、银支付。  「难点」henceforth意为“从今以后”,符合题意要求。    10. D) 「句意」学生们期望期末考试前能有更  多的复习课。  「难点」动词expect后必须接动词不定式作其宾语,因此,只有D)为正确。  11. A) 「句意」暑假期间,我们第一次尝到了  把劳动变成货币的滋味。  「难点」translate意为“变换,把…转化成”;transfer意为“移交,  迁移“;transplant意为”移植(器官)“;transmit意为”传染(疾病),传达(知识)“。  12. A) 「句意」在有些情况下,你的导师会事  先告诉你题目或把题目给你由你选写。  「难点」in advance意为“事先,预先”;ahead of意为“在…之前  “;above all意为”尤其,最重要的是“;right away意为”立刻;马上“。  13. D) 「句意」车上了马路边后,司机由于惊  慌,没踩刹车,却踩了油门。  「难点」panic意为“惊慌,慌乱”;fraud意为“欺骗,骗局”;alarm   意为“警报”;terror意为“恐怖”。  14. A) 「句意」丹尼在我们回答机上留下一条  模棱两可的信息:“我必须见你。12点来接我。”他是说中午还是半夜?  「难点」ambiguous意为“模棱两可的;含糊的”;responsible意为“负  责的“;implicit意为”暗含的“;thoughtful意为”沉思的,思考的“。  15. D) 「句意」我们要找个桌子坐下,可是所  有餐桌都已有人。  「难点」take up意为“占去(时间、地方、注意力等)”;reserve for意  为“为…留  出,保留“;engage in意为”从事;参加“;use up意为”用完,用光;耗尽“。  16. D) 「句意」她将不得不去别处找工作,因  为她再也不能忍受这么大的噪音。  「难点」put up with意为“忍受,容忍”;come up with意为“(针对问  题、挑战)提出,想  出“;catch up with意为”赶上“;keep up with意为”跟上(人、潮流、形势等)“。  17. D) 「句意」汤姆满怀信心地投入新的工作。  「难点」set about意为“开始;着手”;set out意为“开始”,常与as   , in, on连用;set off意为“(使)做某事”;set up意为“开业,开始经商”。  18. B) 「句意」卡车司机因超速而被罚款。  「难点」limit意为“限制;界限”;range意为“(知识、知觉、听觉等  的)范围  “;regulation意为”规定,规则“;rule和regulation是近义词,意为”规定,规章“。    19. B) 「句意」跛脚的杰克充满自豪,一颠一  跛地走上台,加入孩子们的行列。  「难点」limp意为“跛行”;jump意为“跳,跃”;hop意为“(人们)单  足跳“;jog意为”慢跑;缓行“。  20. B) 「句意」他买不起小汽车,因为他挣钱  不多。  「难点」afford意为“买得起”;obtain意为“得到,获得”;donate意  为“捐,赠”;consume意为“消耗,耗尽”。  21. C) 「句意」这是明摆着的事:就像茶叶和  香蕉不相搭配一样,下层阶级家庭的儿子也不可能指望娶一个贵族的女儿。  「难点」neither用于否定句之后,意为“…亦不…”;either用于否定  句,意为“(二者之  中的)任何一方都(不)…“;nor意为”…也不…(置于否定句之后)“;not在本句中说  不通。  22. D) 「句意」虽谈不上有钱,但她目前的境  况比以往任何时候都要好。  「难点」by no means意为“一点也不…”;by means of意为“用,依靠  “;within one‘s means不是固定短语;by all means意为”无论如何,务必“。  23. A) 「句意」这是一种荒唐的生活态度。  「难点」absurd意为“荒唐的;滑稽可笑的”;silly意为“   傻的;愚蠢的“;stupid意为”笨的,麻木的“;authentic意为”可靠的;真诚的;真的“  24. B) 「句意」每年,我们学校会有一名同学  获得一笔奖学金作为一年的大学生活补贴。  「难点」subsidize意为“给…津贴;资助”;improve意为“改进,改善  “;oblige意为”施恩惠于,帮…忙“;inflict意为”予以(打击);使遭受(损伤,苦痛等)“。  25. D) 「句意」他和妻子合作写了一本书。  「难点」collaboration意为“合作;协作”,in collaboration with为  固定搭配;proportion意为“比例”;installment意为“分期付款”;correspondence意为“符合;一致”。 如果觉得《四六级语法词汇3》不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

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