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北美部分大学研究生院对新托福分数要求(表)(一)为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为雅思与留学,本站还有更多关于雅思与留学,出国留学英语考试与出国留学考试时间,外语培训 外语学习 - 雅思考试 - 雅思与留学的文章。 正文:


  学校名称   新托福分数标准 各科分项标准   Arizona State University   Pre-Professional Programs, Total Score:61;Professional Programs, Total Score: 79      Austin Community College   71      Boston University   91 Reading: 25
Listening: 21
Speaking: 23
Writing: 22   Sargent College   84 Reading: 21
Listening: 18
Speaking: 23
Writing: 22   Carson-Newman College   79      Central Queensland University   79      Columbus State Community College   54-55      Howard Community College   74-75      Irvine Valley College   52      Lehigh University   85 Reading: 21
Listening: 15
Speaking: 24
Writing: 25   Medgar Evers College - City University of New York   52      North Dakota State University   70      Northwestern State University   61   with a minimum of 20 for Speaking and for Writing   Ohio State University   71      Pepperdine University   80      Santa Fe Community College   66      Simon Fraser University   88   with a minimum of 20 for each section   State University of New York - Albany   79      The University of the Arts   61      University of Arkansas
     80      University of British Columbia   86 Reading: 21
Listening: 21
Speaking: 20
Writing: 20
     University of Denver   70   70-88 are required to take an additional English test on the day of orientation   University of Lethbridge   80      University of Texas - San Antonio   100      University of Toronto   100   with 22 for Writing   University of Virginia - Charlottesville   90      University of Western Australia   90   Writing:22, All other sections:20
     University of Wisconsin – Madison   80      Western Wyoming Community College   61      Wheaton College   90   


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