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Beautiful lotuses welcome hot summer

08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 家长导读 人气:375

Beautiful lotuses welcome hot summer为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为家长导读,本站还有更多关于少儿英语,少儿英语学习,少儿英语学习网,外语培训 外语学习 - 少儿英语 - 家长导读的文章。 正文:

  It's a hot summer. 随着世界杯比赛的不断升温,天气也变得越来越热了。

  炎热的天气让人心情烦躁。Want to go somewhere? Come and visit the West Lake. 现在正有一场荷花展在举行呢!

  The name of the exhibition is万荷争艳西子湖。It began in Hangzhou on June 18 and lasts a month. 有两百多种荷花将要向大家展示它们的美丽容颜。They are from China, Thailand, Russia, Australia and other countries. 原来是世界荷花大联欢啊!

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