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06-26 http://www.pxzj8.com 优秀作文 人气:797

关于过年的英语作文作文200字为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为优秀作文,本站还有更多关于高中优秀作文,初中优秀作文,高考优秀作文,中考优秀作文,小学生优秀作文,作文辅导培训 - 优秀作文的文章。 正文: Winter vacation is ingWe're happy to wele the holidaysUsually,winter vacation is funny because Spring Festival is during the vacation
Spring Festival is a excellent day for every Chinese,especially for childrenDuring the festival,relatives go to visit each other and give presents to each otherThen it's the happy moment for children,children are given some lucky money
But i'm not a child any longerI want to make the festival a little bit different I plan to have a different dayI'm going to sell some toys in the flower marketI will ask my friends to join meIf i earn some money,i'll buy some presents to my parentsWell,it's my turn to give back to my parents for their love


Tag:优秀作文,高中优秀作文,初中优秀作文,高考优秀作文,中考优秀作文,小学生优秀作文,作文辅导培训 - 优秀作文

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