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 我们这个年纪都是比较喜欢睡懒觉的啦,可偏偏还得早起去读书。唉,从美梦中醒来真是件痛苦的事情。今天,呱呱想多赖会儿床,妈妈就开始叫了: Mom.....少儿英语对话
 Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven eight nine. What do you call your father-in-law's only child's mother-in-law? Mom. Why.....少儿英语对话
08-08 ·吃苹果
 Amy: Mum, may I have some fruits? 妈妈,我可以吃点水果吗? Mum: I've prepared some apples for you in the kitchen. 厨房里有洗干净了的.....少儿英语对话
08-08 ·Do You Know?
 Mo : Do you know about the test today? Wendy: No, what test? Mo : We have a maths test today. Wendy: Oh no! 毛:你知道关于今天考试.....少儿英语对话
08-08 ·Clothing
 A : May I help you? B : Yes, please. I'm looking for a jacket. A : Here's a nice jacket. B : But I don't like this green jacket. A.....少儿英语对话
08-08 ·Cheer Up
 It's nine o'clock on a beautiful spring morning. Ken went out to exercise very early and just returned home. He sees his sister, Tracy.....少儿英语对话
 A: What's the weather like in Japan? B: It's windy. A: What's the weather like in China? B: It's snowy. 译文: A: 日本的天.....少儿英语对话
 Excuse Me 打扰一下 A : Excuse me. Is there a library nearby? B : Yes. There's a library, between the drugstore and the post office.....少儿英语对话
 英文: Clothing A : May I help you? B : Yes, please. I'm looking for a jacket. A : Here's a nice jacket. B : But I don't l.....少儿英语对话
 MacDonald's? 啊,我好喜欢吃汉堡包啊!来,我们这就去! May I help you? Yes. 提示:站在点餐台前,每个店员都会这样问你。你也可以不回答y.....少儿英语对话
 “二月二,龙抬头,剪头发,占鳌头。” 二月初二是中国传统的节日“春龙节”,也叫做“春耕节”。从这一天开始,天气变暖,雨水变多,春天算是真正.....少儿英语对话
 你家有狗狗吗?你有没有训练它要“站有站相、坐有坐相”呢?爱学英语的你,想没想过可以和狗狗一起练习口语呢? 今天来告诉你一些常见的训练狗的口.....少儿英语对话
08-08 ·新年吉利话
 狗年春节马上就要到了,亲朋好友肯定要欢聚一堂,开怀畅饮。这时候,说一两句吉利话一定少不了。Never mind! 呱呱这次就来跟大家分享几句人们在春节.....少儿英语对话
08-08 ·场景:考试
 大家最近是不是要考试了呢?现在呱呱教大家一些与考试有关的常用语吧! 考试前,想安慰周围的同学,你可以说Take it easy! Take it easy就是 “放.....少儿英语对话
08-08 ·不用谢!
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