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08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 雅思写作 人气:438

4月5日作文愚人节不愚人预测为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为雅思写作,本站还有更多关于雅思写作模板与范文,雅思写作题目预测与雅思写作机经,雅思写作技巧与评分标准,外语培训 外语学习 - 雅思考试 - 雅思写作的文章。 正文:

  3月29日的雅思考试考了政府决策类的话题, 在我的二级预测范围之中。4月5号考试的“烤鸭”们请重点关注以下三大类话题:

  一级预测(Highly Possible):仍然是Report(分析建议类)。


  例题:Today, many people constantly change their jobs instead of staying at the same position for a long time. What are the reasons? And what are the possible effects of the phenomenon?

  二级预测(Possible): 青少年教育类

  理由: 过去两年考的最多的话题,今年至今上海考区考得不多,接下来出现的频率应该要高一些。

  例题: Some people say the only task for a teacher is to improve the students' academic performance. Others argue that teaching students how to behave properly is also the teachers' responsibility. Discuss the both viewpoints and give your own opinion.

  三级预测(Maybe……。): 社会现象类

  理由: 今年就考了一次从国外进口食品那个,作为雅思热门话题类别之一接下来也有可能考到。

  例题:Long-distance flights are causing serious environmental problems today. Some people say that we should ban air travel totally in order to save the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  祝本周上战场的烤鸭顺利凯旋,考完别忘了到这里来交流一下情况。Good luck


Tag:雅思写作,雅思写作模板与范文,雅思写作题目预测与雅思写作机经,雅思写作技巧与评分标准,外语培训 外语学习 - 雅思考试 - 雅思写作

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