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06年2月11日G类考试雅思作文题为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为雅思机经,本站还有更多关于雅思听力机经与雅思口语机经下载,雅思写作机经与雅思阅读机经,外语培训 外语学习 - 雅思考试 - 雅思机经的文章。 正文:

  Task 1

  Write a letter to your friend. In your letter you should

  * thank him/her for sending photos to you

  * explain why your reply is late

  * and invite him/her to visit and stay with you.

  Task 2

  Some parents buy too many expensive toys for their children so that their children can be occupied. However children need less toys but more time to stay with their parents. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?


Tag:雅思机经,雅思听力机经与雅思口语机经下载,雅思写作机经与雅思阅读机经,外语培训 外语学习 - 雅思考试 - 雅思机经

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