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08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 英语语法 人气:975

基础英语讲座【39】为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为英语语法,本站还有更多关于英语语法学习,英语语法大全,英语语法入门,英语语法下载,外语培训 外语学习 - 基础英语学习 - 英语语法的文章。 正文:

  【Where is the hospital?】

  Where is the hospital?医院在什么地方?
  Where is the …?表示“某地方在哪儿?”,用来询问地方,也可以使用"Is there …?"询问时可加"Excuse me."以表示客气,有礼貌。回答时可根据具体情况回答。例如:

  "Excuse me.Where is the post office?"
  "It's next to a shop."

  "Where is the station?"
  "It's over there on the left."

  "Is there a fruit shop near hear?"
  "Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the right."

  【Thank you all the same.】

  Thank you all the same.谢谢你。
  当别人说感谢之类的话时,如:Thank you,Thank you very much,Thanks a lot等时,我们常说Not at all或者You're welcome以表示感谢,但当别人对我们的提问不能答复时,表示遗憾,我们也应感谢对方,用"Thank you all the same."意思是“也同样谢谢你”。例如:

  "Excuse me.What's the time?"
  "I'm sorry.I don't know."
  "Thank you all the time."

  "Can you reach the kite for me on the tree?"
  "Sorry.It's too high.I can't get it."
  "Thank you all the same."

  【He is looking for different places.】

  He is looking for different places.他(方先生)正在找一些地方。
  Look for 表示“寻找”,强调动作,英语中还有一词,find 表示“找到”,强调结果。两者含义不一样。例如:

  "What are you looking for?"
  "I'm looking for my pen."

  "We are looking for Li Lei everywhere,but we can't find him."

  以look 组成的短语,还有look at(看),look after(照料),look like(看起来像…),look the same(看起来一样),have a look(看一看)等。

  【He needs some help.】

  He needs some help.他需要帮助。
  needs 是动词need 的单数第三人称形式,need 也可以当情态动词使用,直接写在动词的前面。例如:

  My bike needs mending.

  We need to finish our homework.

  They need work hard.

  【You'd better catch a bus.】

  You'd better catch a bus.你最好坐汽车。
  'd better =had better 表示“最好还是…”,用于建议或者劝说别人做某事。Had better后面要跟动词原形。否定形式在had better 的后面加not.例如:

  You'd better get up early.We'll meet at six.

  It's cold today.He'd better put on more clothes.

  You'd better not tell him about it.


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