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Thailands traditional New Years festival

08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 家长导读 人气:927

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  我们的春节已经过完了,泰国的春节却刚刚开始。April 13 to April 15 is the Songkan Festival in Thailand. This festival marks the start of Thailand's traditional New Year. 宋干节又叫泼水节。原来,泰国人庆祝新年的方式就是用泼水来表达欢乐和祝福。Look! An elephant is spraying water at a Thai boy! 连大象都来庆祝新年啦!

  Besides water-splashing, there are many other activities during the festival. 人们抬着或用车载着巨大的佛像出游,佛像后面跟着一辆辆花车,车上站着化了妆的“宋干女神”。成群结队的男女青年,身着色彩鲜艳的民族服装,敲着长鼓,载歌载舞。

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