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08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 留学俄罗斯 人气:243

俄联邦私立大学综合排名为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为留学俄罗斯,本站还有更多关于俄罗斯留学费用,俄国留学费用,俄罗斯留学中介,俄罗斯留学签证,外语培训 外语学习 - 俄语学习 - 留学俄罗斯的文章。 正文:

  Name of University

  1.Nayanova University (Samara)

  2."Covremennoye Obrazovaniye" ("Modern Education") School (Moscow)

  3.International University (Moscow)

  4.Tatar Institute for Business Promotion (Kazan)

  5.Russian New University (Moscow)

  6.Institute of International Law and Economics named after Griboedov (Moscow)

  7.Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law

  8.Moscow Humanitarian Institute named after Dashkova

  9.International Academy of Marketing and Management (Moscow)

  10.Institute for Entrepreneur's Protection (Moscow)

  11.Moscow Academy of Finance and Law

  12.Institute of Commerce and Law (Moscow)

  13.Institute of International Trade and Law (Moscow)

  14.Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law

  15.International University of High Technologies (Voronezh)

  16.Moscow New Law Institute

  17.Institute of Management, Business and Law (Rostov)

  18.International Independent University of Ecology and Political Science (Moscow)

  19.South Russian Humanitarian Institute (Rostov-on-Don)


Tag:留学俄罗斯,俄罗斯留学费用,俄国留学费用,俄罗斯留学中介,俄罗斯留学签证,外语培训 外语学习 - 俄语学习 - 留学俄罗斯

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