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08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 旅游英语口语 人气:632

宾馆用语:在接待处(三)为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为旅游英语口语,本站还有更多关于旅游英语口语,旅游英语怎么说,旅游常用英语,出国旅游英语,外语培训 外语学习 - 旅游英语 - 旅游英语口语的文章。 正文:

  Dialogue A

  (A: Receptionist B: Guest)

  B:  I want a double room with a bath. How much aa day doyou charge?

  A:  It is a hundred yuan a day including heating fee but excluding service charge.

  B: It's quite reasonable.

  A: How long do you intend to stay in this hotel?

  B: I shall leave in a fortnight (half a month).

  A: Have you got through with the check-in procedure?

  B: Oh, yes, I'm going to fill in the form of registration right now. Can I book a single room for my friend before hand as he will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow morning?

  A: Sure. Here is the form for reservations. Would you mind filling in this form and pay hundred yuan in advance for him.

  B: All right. This is one hundred yuan to pay for my reservation.

  A: Thank you. This is a receipt for paying in advance. Please keep it. www.pxzj8.comwww.pxzj8.comwww.pxzj8.comwww.pxzj8.comwww.pxzj8.comwww.pxzj8.comwww.pxzj8.comwww.pxzj8.comwww.pxzj8.comwww.pxzj8.comwww.pxzj8.com 如果觉得《宾馆用语:在接待处(三)》不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

Tag:旅游英语口语,旅游英语口语,旅游英语怎么说,旅游常用英语,出国旅游英语,外语培训 外语学习 - 旅游英语 - 旅游英语口语

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