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英语剧剧本《拔萝卜》pull out the carrot

01-04 http://www.pxzj8.com 英语短剧 人气:589

英语剧剧本《拔萝卜》pull out the carrot为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为英语短剧,本站还有更多关于英语短剧大全,英语短剧剧本,英语学习 - 趣味英语 - 英语短剧的文章。 正文:

pull out the carrot


hello every one ,I am little rabbit , my grand pa want to pull out the carrot .

grand pa:

I am gramd pa ,I want to pull it up , one two three "pull "oh no I cant not it grand ma help me!

grand ma:

hello every one ,I am grand ma , I am coming ,one two thee "pull"oh no we can not,how to do! call my grand daughter, little rubbit help us !


hello,every one ,I am monkey ,I am coming ,wow, what a big tumip! let me try , one two three "pull" oh no ,we cant not it ,call my friend "dog"dog dog help us ![-教育城外语网推荐更多:美文欣赏 英文剧本 --]


I am dog ,I am coming ,oh it is too big ,let me help you ,one two three ,"pull"oh no we cant not it ,call my friend "pig" pig pig help us !


I am pig ,I am fat ,I am coming ,oh it is too big ,I want to eat,one two three "pull" oh no ,we cant not it ,call my friend bear,bear bear help us.


hello , I am bear ,I am strong ,let me help you ! one two three "pull"


in the end ,they pull it up and go home to cook it ,they are happy together.

[-教育城外语网推荐更多:美文欣赏 英文剧本 --]

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Tag: 英语  剧本  拔萝卜  carrot  英语短剧,英语短剧大全,英语短剧剧本,英语学习 - 趣味英语 - 英语短剧

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