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5-6人英语话剧剧本《Good Morning, Tim》

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5-6人英语话剧剧本《Good Morning, Tim》为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为英语短剧,本站还有更多关于英语短剧大全,英语短剧剧本,英语学习 - 趣味英语 - 英语短剧的文章。 正文:

英语话剧剧本Good Morning, Tim

by Jean Yen顏逸君



Tim Cao: Father

Ann Huang: Mother

Iris Cai: Kid

Candy Cai: Caller

Mike Dong: Neighbor

Roly Ye: Grandfather


Husband and Wife
Scene: Tim’s room. Time: midnight.

Narrator: Tim and Ann are husband and wife. One night after work, Tim goes home.

Tim: I’m home, Ann.

Ann: Welcome home, Tim. Look at my new shoes! Today I…

Tim: Sorry, sweet heart…I’m so tired and I have a very important appointment at 8:00, tomorrow morning. I must go to bed now. Maybe we can talk tomorrow evening.

Ann: Oh…That’ OK. What time do you want me to wake you up?

Tim: Mm…About 6:00.

Ann: OK.

(A moment later)

Ann: Honey…Do you think I’ve gained some weight recently? I look awful…

Tim: Unnn…

Ann: Perhaps…It’s time for me to go on a diet. Should I stop eating dinner? Or…Should I do exercise? Dance… Swim… Jog? What do you think about, honey? ……Honey?

Tim: Ouun…What?

Ann: (Very angry) Oh! Why are you so mean to me? I know…I know… you don’t love me any more.

Tim: Wait. What happened?

Ann: (A little crazy) Oh! no! I can’t stand you. You don’t love me anymore! I want to get out of here with my little green bag and will never come back! Good-bye! (Ann leaves the house.)

Tim: Wait…Wait! Oh my! Who can tell me what went wrong?

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